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September 19, 2023

Locust Hills Golf Club

5575 N. River Rd. Springfield, OH


Registration Deadline is
August 25, 2023

Days Until the Event












Dear Golfer,

 It is that time of year! The Sheltered Inc, previously known as Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN), Annual Golf Scramble is scheduled for September 19, 2023. Our golf scramble is one of our largest fundraising events. It is an opportunity to join forces and come out and support homeless families and individuals in Springfield/Clark County.

The mission statement of Sheltered, Inc., formerly known as Interfaith Hospitality Services, reads: In faithfulness to God, we are dedicated to help families and individuals overcome homelessness. Our goal is to assure everyone in our community has housing, safety, and access to the resources they need to thrive. We nurture a hope for the future of a permanent home, health and stability for all we serve. We do this by providing Help, Housing, and Hope. Sheltered, Inc has provided emergency shelter to over 3400 individuals within the past two years. Over 80% of those we have served have transitioned into permanent housing exiting the emergency shelters.

Our mission is not possible without the support of those within our community. Which is why we offer the opportunity for local businesses to partner with our organization and sponsor this event.  It would be greatly appreciated if you will consider partnering with Sheltered, Inc in this important fundraiser.  Please see the attached brochure for the levels of sponsorships and hole sign information.  We ask for your response by August 25th, 2023, to allow time for printing signs.  

If you have any questions please contact a member of the Fundraising Committee listed below.

All proceeds of this event benefit homeless families and single individuals in Springfield/Clark County. Payments can be mailed to 501 W. High St. Spfld, Ohio 45506 or made online at www.thesheltered.org.

Thank you for your support.

IHN Fundraising Committee,

Elaina Bradley 

Mike Riddle   

Lenee’ Landry 

Nashea Davis


EVENT SPONSOR: Entitled to team of four, sign at holes 1 & 18 and prominent space in all event advertising. $1200

HOLE SPONSOR: Entitled to one sign on a hole and event advertising. $150

Team of Four: Entitled to greens fees, cart, snacks, beverages, and a delicious lunch at the end of play as prizes are awarded. $300

Individual Golfer: Entitled to greens fees, cart, snacks, beverages and a delicious lunch at the end of play as prizes are awarded. $75.00

For more information, please email any member of the Sheltered Inc. Golf Committee.

Mike Riddle

Lenee’ Landry

$75 per person
$300 per team
Must be at least 16 years of age to participate!

Registration Includes:

  • 18 holes of golf (Scramble format)
  • Golf carts provided
  • Food and drinks
  • Driving range open (Complimentary)
  • Closest to the pin/Longest drive
  • Mulligans
  • Prizes

Golf Schedule:
7:30 am Driving Range Open
8:00 am Registration Begins
8:30 am Shotgun Start
1 pm Lunch & Awards